If the LMW heparin dose has been given within 3-4 hours give 1 mg protamine/1 mg of enoxaparin dose. If immediate reversal is required protamine sulfate will result in partial neutralization. Termination of the SQ injection generally will terminate the anticoagulant effect. What is the antidote for heparin and enoxaparin?

Protamine sulfate A blood factor used when the reversal of the anticoagulant effect of heparin is necessary and for the treatment of heparin overdose. What is the treatment of heparin overdose? One milligram of protamine sulphate neutralizes approximately 100 units of heparin. Protamine sulphate is a basic protein derived from fish sperm that binds to heparin to form a stable salt. Intravenous protamine sulphate can rapidly reverse the anticoagulant effects of heparin. What is the antidote for heparin and how does it work?